Hey Ivo,

I think you don't understand the situation with the Android kernel.  There are
hard-coded UIDs and GIDs in the kernel itself that represent the Android
permissions, and special Android processes.  When running Debian on top of an
Android kernel, those UIDs and GIDs cannot be changed.  So not changing the
UID/GID stuff in Debian is actually the risky thing to do.  For example, by
default, the first user account that Debian creates is UID 1000.  That is the
GID of the Android 'system' permission, granting wide ranging permissions to
the system.  I doubt anyone wants to grant the first user such permissions,
both automatically and unchangeably.

Another example is that if the Debian 'audio' GID does not match Android
'audio' GID, the Debian 'audio' group will never be able to grant permissions
to use the audio devices.

As for installing android-permissions with debootstrap, that's how this
package is used.  And it turns out that there are system groups already
created by the time debootstrap installs android-permissions.  That is why I
made that change.


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