I hope you do not mean to dismiss the problems that I outlined, they are real,
and this package as in solves them.  So we are talking about a scenario where
"the perfect is the enemy in the good".  The existing package has problems,
but also solves real problems.

You outlined two real problems:

* this package should only be installable on systems running an
  Android kernel
* changing user/group UIDs/GIDs without changing the file system
  permissions can cause bad things to happen.

Right now, the package is only installable on systems that do not have the
linux-image meta-package installed and are very likely to in a chroot.  So
that eliminates the majority of Debian installs as candidates where this
package is installable.  Ideally there would be a way to actually detect the
Android kernel, I have not found that way.

About changing UIDs and GIDs, this package could just do a search and replace
the UIDs and GIDs of affected files.

Having debootstrap install this package earlier in the process sounds good to
me, but I know little about that stuff, and the cdebootstrap developer does
not seem to be keen on including stuff that is outside of the core mission of
the debian installer.

> First of all, please don't break threads.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this.


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