Package: lightdm Version: 1.10.3-3 Severity: important User: Usertags: piuparts
Hi, during a test with piuparts I noticed your package left unowned files on the system after purge, which is a violation of policy 6.8 (or 10.8): Filing this as important as having a piuparts clean archive is a release goal since lenny. >From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...): 0m34.0s ERROR: FAIL: Package purging left files on system: /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service -> /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service not owned init-system-helpers which should be responsible for the cleanup is still installed at purge time, so there sees to be something faulty with the systemd integration in the packaging. None of the other display managers has this problem. cheers, Andreas
Description: application/gzip