Ok, sorry for this, it is my first time trying to file a bug in Debian and
it has been years since I filed a bug at all.

1) Before I filed the bug I had been trying with documentation and internet
pages to fix my issue, what I really want is that my BRAND NEW variation on
us(intl) called us(brz) would be usable both in the console and in X.

2) I succeeded in making X use my variant, but only when I do a 'setxkbmap'
command it works in X, and I wasn't able by myself to make any changes in

3) console-setup and keyboard-configuration do NOT find my us(brz) variant.

4) After I edited the /etc/default/keyboard file I did several 'setupcon
-v' and 'reboots' and nothing changed.

5) Now I reinstalled Debian, put my modified /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
file in place, changed my /etc/defaults/keyboard file and now the console
works fine, this bug should be closed in my view

6) I still can't seem to make these changes propagate to X (even with the
triggers in 'udevadm'), but I have a small call for 'setxkbmap' in my
.bashrc so it is a matter of always starting X with a X-terminal and my
changes have effect

I thank you guys for the help and seems I had just tried too hard to fix a
issue I must have broke myself with a lot of different configuration
tutorials out there. The Debian Wiki by the way was no help at all in this.

Thanks again


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