On 29/03/15 at 19:43 +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 06:42:20PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > Currently three dumps are generated every day:
> > - usql.sql.gz, with all the data except the ldap, really_active_dds, and
> >   pts relations, which are considered "private" data and not suitable for
> >   wide exposure.
> fine. Even if (as tille noted) sometime some bugs data vanish. or at least, I
> fail to import them (never tracked down the issue, somehow it solves by
> itself... annoying anyway)

That's very strange. The importers are supposed to run inside
transactions, so it should never happen.

> > 1) what is the rationale for the public UDD mirror. Is there a way this
> >    could be provided from Debian infrastructure, for example by
> >    whitelisting specific hosts that need UDD access? Is there something
> >    here that could be acceptable for DSA (Cced)?
> DSA claerly states that they won't open udd to non d.o hosts:
> From #debian-admin@OFTC on 2015-02-10:
> [09:16:54] <h01ger> which could be fixed easily if jenkins.d.n could access 
> 5432
>                     on udd.d.o directly (read only...)
> [09:17:57] <h01ger> could this be done rather short term? i'm happy to file a 
> rt
>                     ticket but i would like to know if this can be done 
> quickly
>                     or if should disable all these jobs for nw
> [09:18:07] <h01ger> failing jobs are a pita.
> [09:18:24] <h01ger> the src ip is
> [09:22:53] <weasel> we would prefer not to open postgres to non-debian.org
>                     systems.
> [09:23:14] <luca>   i think weasel is being polite
> [09:23:20] <h01ger> prefer or not doing it?
> [09:23:24] <luca>    we don't open postgres to non-debian.org systems

DSA, can you confirm that the above is still your current position? (=
you are not willing to open UDD's postgres to non-DSA-managed machines,
even if those machines are clearly identified?)

> I think DSA position is rasonable, yet UDD data is really valuable not
> only for debian-related projects (jenkins in the above quote) but for
> people who want to do random stuff with debian's data for whatever
> reason. IMHO providing a means for that people to access the data is
> really nice (not just the db dump; not everybody is able to setup
> postgres).

Note that another way to fix that specific problem would be to move
jenkins to a DSA-managed machine.

> > 5) Couldn't you trigger the dumps from your side, by calling pg_dump
> > inside an SSH connection to ullmann.d.o?
> Given that I'm no DD I can't, yet paulproteus maybe can set it up.
> Yet, I'd prefer to download standard dumps from udd.d.o.

Would there be a way to make the unofficial UDD mirror slightly more
official? Who has admin access to it currently? Only Asheesh?


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