Package: initramfs-tools
Version: 0.120
Severity: important

Am 25.04.2015 um 04:58 schrieb Mike Kupfer:
> Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Which initramfs-tools version do you have installed?
> ii  initramfs-tool 0.120        all          generic modular initramfs generat
>> Have you made sure,
>> your initramfs is update (via update-initramfs).
> I did
>   # update-initramfs -u -k all
>   update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64
> And rebooted.  Still seeing 2 fsck's for / (/dev/sda1).
>> If you have initramfs-tools 0.120 installed and active, you should have
>> flag files such as /run/initramfs/fsck-root, indicating that the
>> initramfs has checked your / filesystem. In that case, systemd will skip
>> the check.
> $ ls /run/initramfs
> fsck.log
> (That's after running update-initramfs.)
>> If those flag files are missing, either your initramfs-tools version is
>> not recent enough, or your initramfs was not updated.
> I have an alternate suggestion.  In the thread "boot-time messages,
> /init touch not found" on debian-user, The Wanderer suggested that I
> unpack the initramfs image and see whether it contains bin/touch.
> I did that, and it does not in fact contain anything called "touch".
> # find . -name touch
> # 
> Here's what bin contains:
> # ls bin
> cat   false   insmod    losetup  mknod     pivot_root  run-init  udevadm
> chroot        fstype  ipconfig  ls       mount     poweroff    sh        
> umount
> cpio  gunzip  kill      minips   mv        readlink    sleep     uname
> dd    gzip    kmod      mkdir    nfsmount  reboot      sync
> dmesg halt    ln        mkfifo   nuke      resume      true
> I'm guessing that the lack of bin/touch is preventing this flag file
> from being created.

I can reproduce the missing /bin/touch if I build the initramfs without
busybox support. Can you check your /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
if it contains BUSYBOX=n or if you have a snippet in
/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/ which sets BUSYBOX=n. Can you confirm, that
the missing /bin/touch is due to BUSYBOX=n?

In any case, this is a initramfs-tools bug.

Maybe it could replace the following  line in




This will work, even when built with busybox.

Filing a bug against initramfs-tools.
Looks like something we want to fix for 8.1


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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