Am 25.04.2015 um 14:44 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> I just tried to boot a system where the initramfs had been built with
> BUSYBOX=n. This failed miserably and ended in a kernel panic.
> /init: exec: line 330: switch_root: not found
> [attempted to kill init ...]
> Looks to me, as if BUSYBOX=n mode is pretty much broken. It should
> either be fixed or not allowed at all.
> I created an initramfs with BUSYBOX=n and BUSYBOX=y and diffed the
> lsinitramfs output. The following binaries are missing in BUSYBOX=n


I'm inclined to bump the severity of this bug to RC unless someone
disagrees. If we offer the BUSYBOX=n mode, it shouldn't produce an
unbootable initramfs.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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