John Paul Adrian Glaubitz dixit:

>I have had many packages where I had to install
>certain debhelper packages on the host system outside the chroot before
>I was able to build the package. This doesn't look like a very clean
>solution to me.

It’s the Debian way to do things.

Yves-Alexis Perez dixit:

>Having to manually build the source package before is pretty painful,

Yes, but… see above.

However, I can see how we could work around this: tell pbuilder
(and cowbuilder) that a directory argument is okay as well, then
let them, in those cases, gather the information they normally
get from the .dsc from $1/debian/control.

When I’m bored (or get sufficient incentive to do it), and if
one of you is doing the NMU (or the maintainer wakes up), I might
even hack this; I roughly understand how pbuilder works, and how
this could work. I agree it’s a nice-to-have thing, I just accept
this isn’t how this has traditionally worked in Debian.

Solange man keine schmutzigen Tricks macht, und ich meine *wirklich*
schmutzige Tricks, wie bei einer doppelt verketteten Liste beide
Pointer XORen und in nur einem Word speichern, funktioniert Boehm ganz
hervorragend.           -- Andreas Bogk über boehm-gc in d.a.s.r

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