On Fri, 2015-07-10 at 22:01 +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:
> Note that the certificate is in fact valid and verifies correctly, as
> Firefox accepts it. 

What CA is used to verify it? Debian unfortunately doesn't have a
system-wide configuration for trusted CAs — the update-ca-certificates
tool only works for OpenSSL and GnuTLS, and not for NSS. You really
ought to be using p11-kit-trust and replacing the NSS libnssckbi.so
library with it, to actually get consistency across all applications.

>  However, openconnect does not, and prompts.
> Entering "si" displays the certificate, as does entering "sí" or "yes".
> In fact, there's nothing I can enter that makes it accept the
> certificate.
> I believe this is because the prompt uses U+0073 + U+0069 + U+0301,
> whereas using the compose key I enter U+0073 + U+00ED.  Since either
> encoding is valid, you must use Unicode normalization to accept 
> either choice.  As it is, the program is unusable in this locale.

That seems... suboptimal :)

I do seem to be able to work around it by cutting and pasting the sí
from the prompt. Or by typing 's' 'i' then Ctrl-Shift-u-3-0-1.
But I certainly accept that you shouldn't have to do so!

A simple 'fix' might be just to change the translation to use the
canonical form U+00ED for the í instead of U+0069 + U+0301.

Is there a reason *not* to do that?

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
david.woodho...@intel.com                              Intel Corporation

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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