On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 07:03:51 +0900 Daiki Ueno wrote:

> Francesco Poli <invernom...@paranoici.org> writes:
> > On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 10:48:20 +0900 Daiki Ueno wrote:
> >
> >> > I noticed that xgettext does not properly replace all the relevant
> >> > placeholders in the output .pot file, when told to do so through
> >> > command-line options.
> >> 
> >> I doubt if it is meaningful to have a real copyright notice in an
> >> auto-generated template file.
> >
> > Well, the auto-generated .pot file is auto-generated by extracting many
> > strings from a number of copyrighted source code files.
> > I think that, in most cases, this implies that the .pot file is
> > copyrighted and has the same copyright owners and copyright years as
> > the source files.
> > As a consequence, I think it makes definitely sense for it to carry
> > real copyright notices (the same that cover the source files, in most
> > cases).
> Yes.  However, xgettext is not intended for generating a real header
> entry, but for generating a template of a header entry.
> If one really wants to carry a real copyright notice in a POT file, she
> could easily do that from without xgettext, e.g., in the toplevel
> Makefile.am:
> dist-hook:
>       echo "# Copyright (C) ..." >> $(distdir)/po/hello.pot

I am not sure I understand this correctly.

This would place the copyright notice at the end of the .pot file,
wouldn't it? This is not necessarily what one would want to do.
Maybe one could use sed to replace the remaining placeholders, but
anyway it feels like a kludge...

What I really fail to understand is: if some placeholders are replaced

  xgettext --copyright-holder="Python Software Foundation" \
           --package-name=myapplication --package-version=0.1 \
           --language=python myapplication.py -o myapplication2.pot

why other placeholders are not touched at all?!?

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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