❦ 11 août 2015 09:33 +0200, Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> :

>> >> Please change it using a mowe in order to change the file atomically.
>> >
>> > The main reason for this tag is to have _one_ single source of this
>> > data in Debian. We currently have about a dozen of it and some of it
>> > are really ancient. This also affects the same in data different
>> > formats than the original one.
>> >
>> > arpwatch e.g. seems to use also its own format (which is the reason I
>> > haven't fixed it there despite I was the last QA uploader of it).
>> Well, half of the time I spend on packaging of python-netaddr is on
>> those IEEE files.
> Oh, ok. That explains why they're out-of-date in nearly all packages.
>> They change their locations,
> Now no more. For you, they're only inside ieee-data from now on. No
> need to track upstream locations anymore.

Except that since the introduction of ieee-data, the location in the
package has at least changed twice. That's fine, we can't get everything
right on the first time. But this is what I meaned when I said they
change their locations.

>> they get new lintian _errors_, they are tiresome. Why is it an error
>> and not just an information?
> Because shipping stuff multiple times in Debian instead of gathering
> them in one place is definitely more than just an information. It's
> something that should get fixed.
>> If I start generating those files at install time, I am pretty sure that
>> I will get bug because I am generating files outside of /var,
> Yes, I'd move them to /var/lib/
>> because I don't purge them appropriately,
> Well, you can avoid that by doing it appropriately.
>> because they are not regenerated when ieee-data is updated or stuff
>> like that.
> All things which can be fixed. And once they are fixed, they're fixed
> once and forever and will bother you less often than they do now.

I have a pretty simple package and half of debian/rules is handling this
ieee-data thing and you propose to add a lot more. All additional code
will come with additional bugs that I will have to handle. I just don't
have the bandwidth for that.
Make it right before you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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