On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 10:49:39PM +0200, Per Andersson wrote:

> I recently migrated to my official Debian account and saw that the
> git.debian.org data source differentiates between my avtobiff-guest and
> avtobiff accounts.
> Add the possibility to merge these.

I agree it's needed. It cannot currently be done automatically because
we lack a mapping between a -guest account and the relevant new debian
uid, which may be different.

A manual way to do this is needed. It needs to be only available for
DDs, so it does not need any special verification step and we can just
allow any DD to associate any alioth email or login name to themselves,
even if they are already associated to someone else, and if anyone
abuses of this, when someone complains the auditing of the changes in
the site will point out who they are.

So, the way I see to implement this is:

 - if you are a DD, you get a "claim alioth account" feature in your
   personal page
 - the "claim alioth account" page has a form that allows you to choose
   an alioth account name, with completion, and associate it to you
 - on submission, the account is unassociated if it was, and is
   associated to the current DD. Both login and email identifiers
   corresponding to that foo-guest account get associated to the current

There can be an extra check that ensures that the alioth account is not
associated to another DD, and raises an error otherwise.


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