
Caleb Burns <cpbu...@gmail.com> (2015-08-31):
> Package: installation-reports
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I used the "debian-live-8.1.0-amd64-standard+nonfree.iso" image to
> install Debian. During installation, I chose no root password in order
> to disable root login. My understanding is that this option should
> install and enable "sudo" privileges for the non-root user created in
> the next step of the installation process.
> After installation and login with the non-root user, I cannot run
> "sudo". It fails with the message:
>     -bash: sudo: command not found
> This indicates that "sudo" was not installed. I then tried "su" to
> attempt change to the root user. I tried both entering no password,
> and entering the user password. Both of these failed with:
>     su: Authentication failure
> Which is to be expected because no password was set for root.
> I reinstalled debian a second time without a root login, but the issue
> remained. I believe this is an installation error with setting up
> users.

Thanks for your bug report, but please follow up with more details
(installation logs):


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