Hi James,

a review of your package follows:

On 2015-06-27 06:59, James Lu wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings".
>  * Package name    : lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
>    Version         : 1.2.0-1
>    Upstream Author : Andrew P. <pan.pav....@gmail.com>
>  * URL             : http://launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
>  * License         : GPLv3
>    Section         : utils

> Changes since the last upload:
> lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings (1.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
>   * Initial Debian release, imported from Ubuntu. (Closes: #788614)
>   * debian/ folder changes:
>     - Add a watch file pointing to Launchpad.
>     - Write a manpage (lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings.1), dropping
>       the binary-without-manpage lintian override
>       for /usr/bin/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings.
>     - Add a get-orig-source target for debian/rules.
>     - Set myself as maintainer.
>     - Set package source/format to 3.0 quilt.
>     - debian/links: symlink the root NEWS file as an upstream changelog.
>       This fixes the no-upstream-changelog Lintian pedantic warning.
>     - debian/rules: override dh_auto_clean to remove
>       po/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings.pot, so that successive builds work.

 - The frontend for git at anonscm.d.o has been changed from gitweb to
   git; please update Vcs-Browser URL accordingly
 - Developer's Reference ยง6.2.2 says that the synopsis is not a
   sentence, so you don't need to start it with a capital letter
 - synopsis / long description: GTK is spelled with all-caps, however
 - Depends seems to be missing Pango, going by PKG-INFO

 - The license appears to be GPL-3, not GPL-3+ (at least in the handful
   of files I checked). This also requires correction of the free-
   standing license block (the last paragraph)
 - In the header, the field's name is "Source", not "Upstream-Source"
 - There's a formatting issue in the free-standing license text (line
   27 is not indented)

 - Instead of adding lintian override for the missing man page of
   lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings-pkexec, symlinking it to the
   manpage of lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, as some other packages do
   for -pkexec files (eg: src:mate-system-tools), would be more useful

 - You don't need a get-orig-source target for a mere uscan invocation.
   g-o-s is for cases in which downloading via uscan produces something
   that does _not_ match the orig tarball uploaded to the Debian
   archive: for example, when files have been removed from the original
   source (think: DFSG cleaning), or when you can only recreate the
   tarball by checking out from a repository

I'm happy to sponsor your package, but out of curiosity: have you tried
pinging the lightdm-gtk-greeter maintainers? They could be interested in
this package, and are probably in a much better position to assist you
with issues related to this program than I am.


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