Be sure to share Daniels story via social media using the buttons on his
blog. I hope it wakes up the entire community to what happens when you
actually do something right around here! Thanks,

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM Richard Newton <> wrote:

> I agree, shame on those responsible. I have been using Debian for almost
> 15 years and this is the first time I have been ashamed. Add my name to the
> record "of conscientious objection."
> RIchard Newton
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Ralph Amissah <>
> wrote:
>> I post not in anger but sadness, I should not let my voice go uncounted.
>> Attached is my note to Daniel of earlier today, before his posting of
>> "an abrupt end to Debian Live". Debian Live which he said Debian should
>> have (as a Debian developer) in 2006 and went on to deliver, rather
>> nicely (with (and without) help).
>> ----- Forwarded message from Ralph Amissah <>
>> -----
>> From: Ralph Amissah <>
>> To: Daniel Baumann
>> Subject: outrageous, thievery
>> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 09:28:44 -0500
>> Message-ID: <20151109142844.GA28261@niu>
>> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)
>> Daniel, (already one of the more active Debian Developers then) I
>> remember you telling Debian at Debconf 2006, Mexico about how "we"[1]
>> needed a live-maker within the project. I said then that I thought this
>> one of the most important projects within Debian (I was surprised that
>> there was not more interest and effort offered by others at the time,
>> though there was some, those so keen now did not seem to pay attention
>> then).  Already then it was clear that it would one day be able to and
>> possibly be the preferred way to do a Debian install... as I said,
>> important. I saw how you contributed to Debian then, and I know how you
>> have contributed since. Instead of welcoming you and your work, there
>> seems to have been an effort to isolate you.
>> Well clearly others have seen the fruits of your labor as a threat and
>> with envy, and ripe for their plucking!
>> Outrageous! Disgusting. It is nasty. A bit strange to think that I
>> "know" some of those guys.
>> My interest in Debian proper, dropped with your earlier treatment, it
>> took away the desire to be a closer part of it. At least that took out
>> much of any idealized notion of the inner workings of it. And there have
>> been other moves since. I continue to be amazed by the politics of
>> groups within Debian.  This though has the feel of blatant thievery.
>> Chals characterization of a dictatorial coup would seem to be most
>> accurate.
>> It has no doubt to do with power (perhaps indirectly money is involved
>> as well), your work & work area being seen as strategically important.
>> They do it because they can, & justify it whatever which way they will.
>> I am sorry. I feel pretty bruised on your behalf.
>> We have not spoken in a long while. I hope we have the chance to talk in
>> happier times.
>> Greetings.
>> Ralph
>> P.S. We are ok, not much to report.
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>> [edits: addition of footnote, &; s/picking/plucking/]
>> Indeed I am a friend of Daniel and primarily a user of Debian (a minor
>> contributor of a package (sisu[2]) that I wrote that I am happy to have in
>> Debian). In other circumstances I would consider myself at least an
>> admirer of individuals involved on the other side of this. Indeed I (use
>> use some of your software daily and) have met a number of you over the
>> years at a number of Debconfs and have fond memories for example of
>> visits to Cambridge when I lived in the U.K. and of being "introduced"
>> to Debian by Debian insiders.
>> Thanks to all who have stood up for Daniel, he is a wonderful, generous,
>> (and capable) person. And yes, I do think him "wronged" by "Debian".
>> There are others that know him pretty well, who have followed a fairly
>> long sequence of events who must be outraged as well.
>> Of course I wish Debian well, but I do not see your "handling" of Daniel
>> as its finest hour. This will no doubt "blow over" as it must ultimately
>> for the good of the project, but it sticks in my craw as it no doubt
>> does others, and there should be some record of conscientious objection.
>> Ralph Amissah
>> [1] to be clear, "we" was Debian.
>> [2]
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