Hash: SHA256

> Hi Stein,
> sorry, I didn't see the bug report until now!
> On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 19:01:48 +0000 Stein Magnus Jodal 
> <stein.mag...@jodal.no> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> As this blocks mopidy-youtube from working, I wan't to push a
>> bit on this.
>> If you agree that python2.7 support in the pafy package is 
>> desirable, I can do the work and provide a patch. Does that
>> sound OK to you?
> So, yes, Python2 support is still there upstream but they are
> working on it to remove it ASAP (currently there is some other work
> going on such as addition of dl-youtube dependency so pafy isn't
> anymore standalone) but it will happen in near future IMHO.
> I already removed (as you mentioned) on simple basis that at that 
> moment no other package depended on it, except mps-youtube which I 
> also maintain and *is* Python3 only now. Also Debian is doing 
> transition from Python2 to Python3 which was included in my choice
> to remove Python2 support.
> My personal opinion is that we shouldn't add anymore Python2
> packages to Debian archive but work actively towards Python3 (so
> adding packages with no Python3 support is slowing down the process
> and also can mean that it will simply get removed at some point in
> Debian release cycle).
> I would rather go contacting upstream of your package to add
> Python3 support so we avoid "return" of python-pafy (and don't
> trouble ourselves with transition to it).
> In last case scenario, I am opened to more debate and eventually 
> adding Python2 support but as I said, pafy will rather sooner then 
> later be only Python3 too.
>> Thanks, Stein Magnus Jodal
> Cheers,
> zlatan - -- It's not the COST, it's the VALUE

Hi again,

CCing you now to make sure you get it :) I am planning to do some work
on pafy next week and want to see where you stand in this? Also notice
that new release of pafy is not anymore standalone module but depends
on youtube-dl (if that somehow affects you or your upstream).

My PoV in short - I would prefer not to reintroduce the python2
version but if that is what you and your upstream really want and do,
then I guess the only solution is to do exactly that (but would also
prefer a notice to your upstream in that case saying that having
python3 support sooner rather then later is excellent thing :) ).


- -- 
It's not the COST, it's the VALUE
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