On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 01:04:21AM +0100, Zlatan Todoric wrote:
> CCing you now to make sure you get it :) I am planning to do some work
> on pafy next week and want to see where you stand in this? Also notice
> that new release of pafy is not anymore standalone module but depends
> on youtube-dl (if that somehow affects you or your upstream).

Ah, sorry. I noticed your August 25 reply some time in October, but I
didn't reply right away and forgot about it.

My upstream just does `pafy.new(url)` and uses the following
attributes/methods from the return value:

- title
- videoid
- getbestaudio()
- getbest()
- bitrate
- mediatype
- extension
- bigthumb
- bigthumbhd

As long as these attributes/functions continues to work in the new
version of pafy or there's an equivalent replacement, I should be good.

> My PoV in short - I would prefer not to reintroduce the python2
> version but if that is what you and your upstream really want and do,
> then I guess the only solution is to do exactly that (but would also
> prefer a notice to your upstream in that case saying that having
> python3 support sooner rather then later is excellent thing :) ).

Mopidy-YouTube is an extension (running in the same process/interpreter)
to Mopidy, which is working hard to get to Python 2+3 support (ETA: <3

Once that is in place, we need to transition most of the Mopidy
extension community (>50 extensions on PyPI, of which 13 are packaged in
Debian) to supporting Python 2+3 before we can switch the /usr/bin/mopidy
executable in Debian to run under Python 3 by default. I believe this
will take at least on the order 6 additional months. Maybe less for the
13 in Debian, as I have upstream commit bit on most of them.

All in all, we're talking about a time frame of around 9 months before
Mopidy-YouTube in Debian will no longer need a Python 2 version of pafy.

I wholeheartedly support any effort to move the world to Python 3, and
preferably before the freeze of stretch. For Mopidy and pafy, I think
that should be within reach.

Stein Magnus Jodal
jodal at #debian-python

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