Sorry Adam, I hadn't been checking the bug page, so I didn't see your
message from July. (I'm on the debian-devel-games mailing list, but not on

The issue with libjpeg is that I'm relying on the JCS_EXT_BGRA extention in
libjpeg-turbo to decode JPEGs in the proper byte order for on-screen
display. The ordinary libjpeg does not provide that extension. But, I
suppose I could switch to putting the Debian-specific option first, since I
don't think Ubuntu / Launchpad has issues with the "|" syntax. Or I could
just use plain libjpeg-dev and trust that everyone building the package is
on an OS where that means libjpeg-turbo, but that seems risky.

The other changes sound easy, so if you let me know what you think is a
good approach for libjpeg, I can upload a fixed package.

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