
* Ico Doornekamp <i...@pruts.nl> [2009-01-12 17:54:08 CET]:
> According to the previous reply, the reported assertion is due to wyrd
> requiring a terminal of at least 80x23 chars. I don't happen to speak
> fluent caml, but after browsing through the source and changing the
> required width and height checks to a smaller size in interface_main.c,
> I was able to run wyrd on a smaller terminal then 80x23 without
> problems.

 I've looked into this myself:  When resizing vertically to fewer than
23 lines, wyrd doesn't crash but states that it requires at least 23
lines.  One can't even quit then until wyrd has more than 23 lines again
and being able to process the Q for quitting.

 When resizing horizontal to less than 80 characters wide it crashes
with the assertion.

 One could argue that the handling from vertical resizing should be
added to the horizontal resizing, I fear that won't make people happy in
the sense that it's not possible to quit there.  I'm not completely sure
what people would expect what wyrd should do when it has less space that
it refuses to start up with.  Maybe instead of ending with an assertion
it should just simply quit at that point and writing out that it doesn't
has the place anymore that it needed in the first place to get started?

 Just some thoughts,
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