* Ico Doornekamp <i...@pruts.nl> [2015-11-26 10:49:04 CET]:
> * On 2015-11-26 10:44:28 +0100, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > * Ico Doornekamp <i...@pruts.nl> [2009-01-12 17:54:08 CET]:
> > [...]
> > 
> >  When resizing horizontal to less than 80 characters wide it crashes
> > with the assertion.
> Assertions are not really nice for the end user, IMHO.

 I agree with that. :)

> > [...]
> >
> > Maybe instead of ending with an assertion it should just simply quit
> > at that point and writing out that it doesn't has the place anymore
> > that it needed in the first place to get started?
> What about drawing an empty screen with only the message 'terminal too
> small'?  The user then has the chance to grow the window without having
> to restart? (for example, take a look at 'moc' (music at console), which
> does just that)

 That's what currently happens when reducing to lower than 23 lines.  At
least in my test build of 1.4.6, don't know if that already was the
thing in 1.4.4.  But it should at least be possible to quit from that
stage directly instead of having to resize back up to be able to quit.
(And thanks for the moc sugguestion, will look into it out of personal
interest ;))

 Right now I just want to push the update to 1.4.6 into the pool and
that's the reason why I went through all the old bugreports to see if
some of them has been fixed in the meantime by upstream, so I won't
address this right now, but I want at least try to think about it.

 So long,
Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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