On 30/11/15 18:56, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 27/11/15 17:54, Jo Shields wrote:
>> I think this is close to startable, if a transition slot will be available 
>> soon.
>> Of the 17 "bad" packages on the release tracker, 2 FTBFS for other reasons 
>> (and
>> are removed from Testing anyway). 3 are in DELAYED and should land this 
>> weekend.
>> 2 are waiting on another DELAYED upload to land this weekend, which should 
>> make
>> them RMable. 1 is in binary NEW, 2 are blocking on a package in NEW. The rest
>> already have RM bugs against ftp.debian.org.
> Can you make those bugs block this?

Assuming I didn't fuck it up, done.

>> In terms of *actual* work remaining, fsharp needs a new upstream release
>> uploading (which is only awkward due to the need to +dfsg it), and xsp needs
>> some upstream work to tag/ship a compatible version (i.e. remove the attempt 
>> to
>> build the old ABI entirely), both of which I can deal with on Monday.
> Good.

I've uploaded a compatible transition-friendly release of xsp to
experimental, it seems to be doing okay on buildd.debian.org

>> The only slight wrinkle in the transition is the removal of powerpc as an
>> architecture, requiring some massaging of the archive before transitioning 
>> would
>> be possible.
> It'd be good to get that done before the transition starts. Can you ask the 
> ftp
> team to do that?

Can I do that without doing a sourceful upload with powerpc removed from
the arch list? It was my understanding that the package would end up
getting rebuilt on that arch

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