On 01/12/15 23:44, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
On 30/11/15 20:35, Jo Shields wrote:

On 30/11/15 18:56, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
On 27/11/15 17:54, Jo Shields wrote:
I think this is close to startable, if a transition slot will be available soon.

Of the 17 "bad" packages on the release tracker, 2 FTBFS for other reasons (and
are removed from Testing anyway). 3 are in DELAYED and should land this weekend.
2 are waiting on another DELAYED upload to land this weekend, which should make
them RMable. 1 is in binary NEW, 2 are blocking on a package in NEW. The rest
already have RM bugs against ftp.debian.org.
Can you make those bugs block this?
Assuming I didn't fuck it up, done.

In terms of *actual* work remaining, fsharp needs a new upstream release
uploading (which is only awkward due to the need to +dfsg it), and xsp needs
some upstream work to tag/ship a compatible version (i.e. remove the attempt to
build the old ABI entirely), both of which I can deal with on Monday.
I've uploaded a compatible transition-friendly release of xsp to
experimental, it seems to be doing okay on buildd.debian.org

The only slight wrinkle in the transition is the removal of powerpc as an
architecture, requiring some massaging of the archive before transitioning would
be possible.
It'd be good to get that done before the transition starts. Can you ask the ftp
team to do that?
Can I do that without doing a sourceful upload with powerpc removed from
the arch list? It was my understanding that the package would end up
getting rebuilt on that arch
Yes, but the current version would FTBFS anyway, right?

Not until I upload the version in Experimental to Sid.

Anyway it's not such a big deal. That can happen once the new version has been

Related note: I've uploaded a fixed version of src:fsharp to Experimental, so all the issues reported on https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/mono.html are accounted for, in bugs which are all on the FTP team (including the minor ABI bump in an F# library, making it binary NEW).

It's possible (actually pretty probable) that monodevelop from sid will FTBFS after the transition, so I'll look at that, but in the general case, I think that's every box on the transition tracker dealt with or assigned.

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