i wrote:
 |Hello, i'm the codebase maintainer of S-nail,
 |Jörg-Volker Peetz <jvpe...@web.de> wrote:
 ||Package: s-nail
 ||Version: 14.8.5-3
 ||trying to read local mails in /var/mail with mailx fails with output as
 ||Creating dotlock for "/var/mail/<user>" .....
 ||Unable to (dot) lock mailbox, aborting operation: Permission denied
 ||(where I replaced the user name with "<user>").
 ||Any ideas?

Also, because my first response was very short, sorry: in general
S-nail offers some contextual informations when you set the -d
and/or -v command line switches (or interactive via "? set
debug").  E.g., if i strip SETUID and run (the development version
of) S-nail:

  s-nail: user = sdaoden, homedir = /home/sdaoden
  s-nail: Creating dotlock for "/var/spool/mail/sdaoden" .....
  s-nail:   Can't create a lock file! Please check permissions
    (Maybe setting *dotlock-ignore-error* variable helps.)
  s-nail: Unable to (dot) lock mailbox, aborting operation: Permission denied

Using "$ s-nail -dvv" provides a real dry-run test sandbox and
will also show obsoletion warnings (when features get actively
used which are obsoleted).

Granted the above is very fuzzy, since what is "permissions" here?
The user regarding the mailbox to be locked, the dotlock file
itself, or the privsep program?  Well, the latter at least cannot
be helped for real, since i think it is fine for S-nail to expect
that it has been installed correctly as is documented in its
INSTALL file, which is not a senselessly copied template.
Diversifying the former two in the above output is not necessary
since S-nail should never get that far:

  s-nail: /var/spool/mail/sdaoden: Permission denied

That is not a good message, user experience will hopefully improve
over time.
Hope this helps, and happy for feedback (especially negative),


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