Jörg-Volker Peetz <jvpe...@web.de> wrote:

 |May I ask where s-nail tries to write the "dotfile"?
 |As far as I remember, mailx didn't need the sticky root bit before.

I forgot to say that i really put some effort into the manual (and
it will be even better in v14.9).
So the answer for this can also be found in there – the entry for
the `file' command reads:

  MBOX files (flat file-based mailboxes) are generally locked dur‐
  ing file operations in order to avoid inconsistencies against
  concurrent modifications.  Mailbox files which S-nail treats as
  system mailboxes will also be protected by so-called dotlock
  files, the traditional way of mail spool file locking: for any
  file ‘a’ a lock file ‘a.lock’ will be created for the duration
  of the synchronization — as necessary a privilege-separated dot‐
  lock child process will be used to accommodate for necessary
  privilege adjustments in order to create the dotlock file in the
  same directory and with the same user and group identities as
  the file of interest.  Also see mbox-rfc4155[356] for fine-tun‐
  ing the handling of MBOX files.



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