Hello Meik,

On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 05:46:46PM +0100, Meik Hellmund wrote:
> Hello Carsten,
> My problem was the handling of config files in /etc/icedove/pref/
> We have an "mathmail.cfg" file there and 
> an "autoconf.js" file with the lines: 
>     pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); 
>     pref('general.config.filename', 'defaults/syspref/mathmail.cfg');
>       /* path is relative to /usr/lib/icedove; 
>          defaults/syspref/ there is a symlink to /etc/icedove/pref/   */
> This no longer works with icedove 38. Now it seems that the 
> 'general.config.filename'
> parameter accepts neither relative nor absolute paths. It only accepts a 
> filename and
> this file has to be in /usr/lib/icedove/ .
> After moving our "mathmail.cfg" to /usr/lib/icedove/ and changing the line
> in /etc/idedoce/pref/autoconf.js to 
>     pref('general.config.filename', 'mathmail.cfg');  
> everything works again.
> A local config file below /usr/lib/ is not that nice. 
> Is there an alternative?

You trying to keep specific Icedove settings modified by a extra file in


with a locking preference.


I'm not sure if that is what you are really wanted to do.
And yes, exact this handling of the a additional default configuration
file has changed somewhere on the way to version 38.

With strace you will see that nevertheless you want to adjust a specific
path to the global configuration file Icedove will always search the
file in the main installation folder.

> ...
>     pref('general.config.filename', 'defaults/syspref/mathmail.cfg');
> ...

> open("/usr/lib/icedove/mathmail.cfg", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
> directory)

I don't know the content of your mathmail.cfg but if you want to set
some specific settings for all Icedove users then put all of them in the
file /etc/icedove/pref/icedove.js or a own file instead like intended
with the file autoconf.js.

Otherwise you have to symlink the file to /etc/icedove/pref/ every time
you update the installation, or rebuild own packages.


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