Howdy David,

An update on how I'm tackling the packages in Debian:

* The ‘inform6unix’ releases don't appear to be archived anywhere
  except on GitHub; the page you earlier designated at
  omits earlier releases when you post a new one. Perhaps that's by
  design, but it means I don't know a reliable URL that will persist
  over time for a particular release tarball.

  For now, I'm using the releases you generate as archived at
  <URL:>, is
  that reliable into the future?

* The Inform 7 developers, as best I can determine from their public
  statements, assert control over the maintenance of the Inform 6
  compiler and standard library. Importantly for Debian, that means
  the maintenance schedules, version strings, and released tarballs
  are all different from the ‘inform6unix’ code base.

  So there will be separate ‘inform6-compiler’ and ‘inform6-library’
  source packages, getting source tarballs from (respectively) David
  Kinder's ‘Inform6’ compiler repository, and your ‘inform6lib’
  library. The version strings are derived from the releases from
  those repositories.

  If the confusion over authoritative releases and version strings can
  be resolved by the Inform 7 developers, I might be able to make
  better use of your extensive packaging work.

* The confusing use of the “Inform” name to denote two utterly
  different authoring systems, distinguished merely by version number
  but both still active, forces me to re-name the packages and
  filenames to be clear these packages are specific to the Inform 6

  For these Debian packages, the compiler program file is
  ‘/usr/bin/inform6’ (and so its manual page is ‘inform6.1’), shared
  resources go to ‘/usr/share/inform6/’, and so on.

* The default in the compiler code (the ‘header.h’ file) for
  ‘Include_Directory’ is ‘"library"’, and that seems a sensible name
  for the standard library.

  So ‘/usr/share/inform6/library/’ (not ‘modules’) is the installed
  location for the Inform 6 standard library files from

I'm nearing completion of the packaging. As you requested, I'll wait
until you announce a “6.33.1” release before finalising this work.

 \         “What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy |
  `\   river to save a solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know.” —Jack |
_o__)                                                           Handey |
Ben Finney <>

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