
To my knowledge, gbirthday is not worked on by anyone but myself.

The Debian package is maintained is Rolf Leggewie.

I'm clueless about Debian packaging, so I'm afraid I can't help with the
python-support issue. I've paid a look at the wiki page about the
migration to see if I could help, but that's too many new concepts to

For the record, gbirthday has moved to GitHub:
https://github.com/Jerome-github/gbirthday/. I should update the watch
file (this seems feasible to me, but there is no need to do it as long
as there is no new release).

Regarding the future of gbirthday, unless somebody takes over, it won't
be ported to Python3/GTK3.

However, I started a Python3/Qt port:


No release date planned ("when it's ready"...). Still a lot of things to
polish. I's not just about graphical toolkit switch, the code is also
pretty old and deserves improvements / simplifications.

The roadmap includes proper Python packaging to replace current makefile
(https://github.com/Jerome-github/gbirthday/issues/7). I hope this will
make Debian packaging easier if not trivial.

Note that if the Qt port is finally released, it may come with a new
name, as gbirthday sounds GTKish.

To conclude, the way I see it:

- Unless somebody comes in, gbirthday won't evolve as it is and will
probably be out of Stretch or the next Debian release due to
dependencies deprecation. I'm happy if I'm wrong.

- I hope to get a Qt version packageable for Stretch. Help welcome, of

Have a nice day.


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