On Fri, 18 Dec 2015, Michael Meskes wrote:

> > Can you tell me more about the system?  My guess is, this is an lxc
> > container.  Am I right?  If not, what's the kernel?  Some other kind of
> Nope, Debian unstable on a new laptop. However, the kernel is *not* a
> Debian one. The laptop needs the latest development version to enable
> touchpad and the like. Could any kernel feature make a difference? If so
> which?
> > virtualization going on?
> No, just a straight desktop usage.
> But is tor supposed to not work in virtualization?

It's supposed to work, but depending on what your virtualization looks
like, systemd's apparmor support gets confused.

o Do you have CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR in your kernel?
o (Is apparmor installed?  not sure that's relevant.)
o Does tor work if you disable the apparmor config in the service file:

    mkdir /etc/systemd/system/tor@default.service.d/
    (echo "[Service]"; echo "AppArmorProfile=") > 
    systemctl daemon-reload

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