2015-12-19 20:20 GMT+02:00 Bill Allombert <ballo...@debian.org>:
> fixed 808392 1.62
> quit
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 03:41:10PM +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
>> Package: popularity-contest
>> Version: 1.61
>> Severity: important
>> popularity-contest explictly Recommends cron | fcron and Suggests anacron.
>> It should instead:
>> Recommends: cron | cron-daemon
>> Suggests: anacron | systemd-cron
>> cron-daemon is the generic package name for any cron implementation.
>> Meanwhile, systemd-cron is an alternative package that provides
>> anachronic cron support.
>> Making this change would allow the administrator to install the cron
>> implementation of their choice, instead of enforcing 'cron' package
>> installation.
> Hello,
> Historically a package implementing cron-daemon was not required to
> support cron.daily and cron.weekly, so it was not sufficient for
> popcon.
> This issue was fixed in debian-policy, and then in popcon 1.62, see bug
> #752504

In that case, we can probably close this bug.

> It is unclear whether systemd-cron anachronic cron support is sufficient
> for popcon usage.

It seems to work fine here.

> Recommends are advisory, so the sysadmin can still remove cron and
> install systemd-cron.

True, except that when APT is asked to --fix-policy, it will enforces
dependencies marked in Depends and Recommends. In stable, this means
pulling 'cron' since neither cron-daemon or systemd-cron is included
in popularity-contest's dependencies as valid alternatives:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
  Installing cron as Recommends of popularity-contest
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:

> So I do not think this issue is serious enough to justify a stable
> update.

This is entirely up to the maintainer. At least, it's finally fixed in
unstable now.


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