Am 01.01.2016 um 04:09 schrieb Eric Dorland:
To repeat myself: If you guys (packagers) all agree on how this file
should look like, I'm fine with it too.

If you want to maintain a separate unit file for Debian which is
different from other distros, I'm not in a position to stop you from
doing this.
I don't have strong feelings about this, and I'm not the
maintainer. I would just like this to work out of the box on Debian :)
Patrick what do you think?

For the Debian packaging itself it looks good for me (except of the username e.g.). Maybe we should use something like "znc-system" or "znc-daemon", since most znc users just have called their znc user "znc" and "_znc" is invalid.

I would be happy to have got a solution with upstream and other distributions, so that there are no bigger differences (or bugs) between different distributions and upstream.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


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