
On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 07:32:11AM -0400, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> If the three of you wanted to make a blend that provides a set of rescue
> tools on a live image (or maybe more than one, if you decide there is a
> need for it), I could help in an administrative capacity (alioth
> project, mailing list, etc.)

I would be happy to assist in setting up the blend infrastructure and
pointing at the right tools to use to do this.

If someone could come up with a package list, I can get started on that this
weekend and request the permissions for you to access the VCS on Alioth.

Ben - blends packaging needs to happen within the blends project, and a
mailing list could also be created in that project. If there is a packaging
project alongside, then it would make sense to create a seperate Alioth
project, but the blends tools all have the blends Alioth project hardcoded
into them.



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