Package: util-linux
Version: 2.27.1-1
Architecture: i386

(libmount1 and libblkid1 are also 2.27.1.)

My most recent reboot (and it's been a while, so it may be some dependent
library or new 4.4 kernel or something) failed in

Upon debugging, it appeared that the invocation of "fsck -C -M -A -a"
was, despite the -M flag, trying to check /dev/sda2, my root file

e2fsck of course complained about this, leading to a recovery shell
and a need for manual intervention.

$ cat /var/log/fsck/checkfs
Log of fsck -C -M -A -a 
Sun Jan 24 20:36:30 2016

fsck from util-linux 2.27.1
/dev/sda2 is mounted.
e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.

fsck exited with status code 8

Sun Jan 24 20:36:30 2016

Running fsck under strace shows the following interesting parts
(boring bits like memory allocation elided):

open("/etc/fstab", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
read(3, ...)
close(3)                                 = 0
lstat64("/dev", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=3420, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/dev/sda2", {st_mode=S_IFBLK|0660, st_rdev=makedev(8, 2), ...}) = 0
stat64("/dev/sda2", {st_mode=S_IFBLK|0660, st_rdev=makedev(8, 2), ...}) = 0
        # NFclue why it needs a stat() after lstat() says it's not a symlink
stat64("/sbin/fsck.ext4", ...) = 0      # Path search
open("/proc/self/mountinfo", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
read(3, "13 0 8:2 / / rw,relatime - ext4 "..., 1024) = 638
        # That's the right root file system
readlink("/proc/self", "2690", 4095)    = 4
lstat64("/proc/2690/mountinfo", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0444, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
        # Not sure what's being reverified here
open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 5
read(5, "auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro root=802 "..., 1024) = 155
close(5)                                = 0
getcwd("$HOME", 4096)
        # No, not literally, I've substituted
lstat64("$HOME/802", ...) = -1 ENOENT
        # This looks wrong
read(3, "", 1024)                       = 0
close(3)                                = 0
... then it clone()s and tries to run fsck.ext4.

I'd think the process of elimination would go as follows:
- For each line in /etc/fstab
- If it's a real file system for which we have an fsck, stat
  the device node.
- Search /proc/self/mountinfo for the same device mode.  If it's
  mounted already (rw or ro), skip it.

Poking around the code, I also found some debug options.

7320: libmount:     INIT: library debug mask: 0xffff
7320: libmount:     INIT: library version: 2.27.0
7320: libmount:     INIT:     feature: selinux
7320: libmount:     INIT:     feature: assert
7320: libmount:     INIT:     feature: debug
Available "LIBMOUNT_DEBUG=<name>[,...]|<mask>" debug masks:
   all      [0xffff] : info about all subsystems
   cache    [0x0004] : paths and tags cache
   cxt      [0x0200] : library context (handler)
   diff     [0x0400] : mountinfo changes tracking
   fs       [0x0040] : FS abstraction
   help     [0x0001] : this help
   locks    [0x0010] : mtab and utab locking
   options  [0x0008] : mount options parsing
   tab      [0x0020] : fstab, mtab, mounninfo routines
   update   [0x0080] : mtab, utab updates
   utils    [0x0100] : misc library utils
   monitor  [0x0800] : mount tables monitor
7320: libmount:    CACHE: [0x9480048]: alloc
fsck from util-linux 2.27.1
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: alloc
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: /etc/fstab: start parsing [entries=0, 
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: /dev/sda2 /
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: UUID=[swap device] none
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: proc /proc
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: sys /sys
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: dev /dev
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: devpts /dev/pts
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: [network mount redacted]
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: add entry: /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
7320: libmount:       FS: [0x9480b30]: free [refcount=0]
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: /etc/fstab: stop parsing (9 entries)
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: parsing done [filename=/etc/fstab, rc=0]
7320: libmount:    CACHE: [0x9480048]: canonicalize path /dev/sda2
7320: libmount:    CACHE: [0x9480048]: add entry [ 1] (path): /dev/sda2: 
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480068]: lookup TARGET: '/'
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: alloc
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: mtab parse: ignore mtab
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: mtab parse: #1 read mountinfo
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: /proc/self/mountinfo: start parsing 
[entries=0, filter=not]
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: /dev/root /
7320: libmount:    CACHE: canonicalize path /proc/self/mountinfo
7320: libmount:      TAB: TID for /proc/self/mountinfo is 7320
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: root FS: 802
7320: libmount:    CACHE: [0x9480048]: canonicalize path 802
7320: libmount:    CACHE: [0x9480048]: add entry [ 2] (path): 802: 802
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: canonical root FS: 802
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: sysfs /sys
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: tmpfs /run
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: tmpfs /run/lock
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: proc /proc
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: devtmpfs /dev
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: tmpfs /run/shm
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: add entry: devpts /dev/pts
7320: libmount:       FS: [0x9482ca8]: free [refcount=0]
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: /proc/self/mountinfo: stop parsing (8 
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: parsing done 
[filename=/proc/self/mountinfo, rc=0]
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: mtab parse: #2 read utab
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: lookup SOURCE: '/dev/sda2'
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: lookup SRCPATH: '/dev/sda2'
7320: libmount:      TAB: [0x9480130]: lookup canonical SRCPATH: '/dev/sda2'
7321: libblkid:     INIT: library debug mask: 0xffff
7321: libblkid:     INIT: library version: 2.27.0 [02-Nov-2015]
Available "LIBBLKID_DEBUG=<name>[,...]|<mask>" debug masks:
   all      [0xffff] : info about all subsystems
   cache    [0x0004] : blkid tags cache
   config   [0x0008] : config file utils
   dev      [0x0010] : device utils
   devname  [0x0020] : /proc/partitions evaluation
   devno    [0x0040] : convertions to device name
   evaluate [0x0080] : tags resolving
   help     [0x0001] : this help
   lowprobe [0x0100] : superblock/raids/partitions probing
   probe    [0x0200] : devices verification
   read     [0x0400] : cache parsing
   save     [0x0800] : cache writing
   tag      [0x1000] : tags utils
7321: libblkid:    CACHE: creating blkid cache (using default cache)
7321: libblkid:   CONFIG: reading config file: /etc/blkid.conf.
7321: libblkid:   CONFIG: /etc/blkid.conf: does not exist, using built-in 
7321: libblkid:      TAG: looking for /dev/sda2 in cache
e2fsck 1.43-WIP (18-May-2015)
/dev/sda2 is mounted.
e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.

There are a lot of wrappers in libmount (not to meantion a dearth of
useful contents in libmount/docs/) which make it hard for me to be sure
what things *should* be doing, so I haven't pinpointed where it's going
wrong, but hopefully this information is useful.

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