And, no, it's not only up to the developers to figure what causes the
bug. Both Mate and Debian are community-driven, so if you find a bug
you would like to get fixed as a user, you should help developers
with some testing which helps locate the issue.

The more information you provide, the faster can others fix your
problem. Remember, many people here don't get paid for fixing these
things, so they might as well say that they don't care about a bug if
it takes too much effort to debug and fix it.

Yes, I know; and I absolutely agree - when reporting a bug, I make sure to test everything I can think of that I would do if I was the project developer. Actually, I like fixing UI problems myself, and I would do it if I could, but I'm not yet good enough to deal with things like this...

What I meant is, "it's there in Debian, it's not there in Mint; the only people who can find out exactly where it all went wrong is the Debian people". Also, the bug report page for Debian said something like, "if you're unsure, don't send the report upstream; maybe it's only there in Debian - we'll direct it upstream if we have to".

> Could you please test caja upstream and report back? Linux Mint is
> not upstream, the MATE project is.
> And if it turns out that the bug is still present upstream, then
> you're barking up the wrong tree as Debian just packages most
> upstream software, we don't develop it.
> Also, if turns out to be an upstream bug, then you should yell at the
> Linux Mint people to fix it.

I'm extremely sorry, but it seems that I've provided some wrong information. I've just tested it again. The bug IS there in Linux Mint Debian Edition 2; however, it is NOT there in Linux Mint 17.3 . (I mixed up different Mint distros.) So the problem is upstream, anyway, and it's not with Caja - it's with something else that's different between Debian and Ubuntu.


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