On Friday 29 January 2016 05:34 AM, Ximin Luo wrote:
Hey just a quick reply for this (I will answer the other things later) - no I don't need to wait, I just had other stuff to do in the meantime. :) I will upload your packages soon, hopefully this weekend when I get some free time at FOSDEM. X

Thanks. The good news is we now have all the issues sorted out. Upgrade directly from 3.x works (yipee!) and I have identified the cause of the tasks not being enabled. I had accidentally removed a config option which gets distributed by default with the package config file. So, in your case, post-upgrade the tasks should work. Could you check on this? Here are the final actions items:

i. Get python-xattr version bumped to 0.7.5. Already raised a ticket for this - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=813075.

ii. Figure out a fix for the bug with python-psutil 3.4.1.

iii. If possible try to get rid of these two errors in log files (these do not seem to be blocking functionality as of now).

2016-01-29 12:44:18+0530 [-] [twext.enterprise.jobs.queue#error] workCheck: jobqueue is no longer overloaded

2016-01-29 12:37:11+0530 [-] [caldav-1] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#error] Memcache error: Invalid type for key: <type 'unicode'>, expecting a string; request: set cacheToken:/calendars/__uids__/F343A113-0C2B-5A69-B049-A4C72FCAEF9B/ 40aed427-a35f-41dd-9f79-fefc56ff8006

iv. Upload new packages twextpy and pg8000

Because of the super-powers of uploading new packages that has been granted to you, and as with great power comes great responsibility, iv. is definitely on your plate :p. See if you can help out with ii. and iii. I will follow up on action item i from my end.


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