On 29/01/16 08:42, Rahul Amaram wrote:
> On Friday 29 January 2016 05:34 AM, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Hey just a quick reply for this (I will answer the other things later) - no 
>> I don't need to wait, I just had other stuff to do in the meantime. :) I 
>> will upload your packages soon, hopefully this weekend when I get some free 
>> time at FOSDEM. X 
> Thanks. The good news is we now have all the issues sorted out. Upgrade 
> directly from 3.x works (yipee!) and I have identified the cause of the tasks 
> not being enabled. I had accidentally removed a config option which gets 
> distributed by default with the package config file. So, in your case, 
> post-upgrade the tasks should work. Could you check on this? Here are the 
> final actions items:

Great! It will take me a while to test tasks as I was not using them myself, 
but I'll try to find some time for it soon.

> i. Get python-xattr version bumped to 0.7.5. Already raised a ticket for this 
> - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=813075.
> ii. [fixed]
> iii. If possible try to get rid of these two errors in log files (these do 
> not seem to be blocking functionality as of now).
> 2016-01-29 12:44:18+0530 [-] [twext.enterprise.jobs.queue#error] workCheck: 
> jobqueue is no longer overloaded
> 2016-01-29 12:37:11+0530 [-] [caldav-1] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] 
> [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#error] Memcache error: Invalid type 
> for key: <type 'unicode'>, expecting a string; request: set 
> cacheToken:/calendars/__uids__/F343A113-0C2B-5A69-B049-A4C72FCAEF9B/ 
> 40aed427-a35f-41dd-9f79-fefc56ff8006

I think the first one actually isn't an error, and I did try for a bit myself 
to figure out the second problem, but I gave up because it seemed not too 
important. If we don't figure it out before the remaining issues are sorted, 
I'm happy to upload, and just file another open bug for it (and keep poking 

> iv. Upload new packages twextpy and pg8000

I've just uploaded these. I fixed a few minor things before uploading, please 
check git and review them. In general, I run "lintian -i -I --pedantic --color 
auto xxx.changes" to catch things like that, and it's a good habit to get into.

As part of the fix to (k) earlier, I pushed another patch to a side branch of 
calendarserver: [1]. You haven't applied it to debian/sid yet, but I think it 
may be necessary. To test, you should try to add/remove events with non-ascii 
unicode characters in them such as "ßßß". If it fails, then try the patch and 
if it works please add it to git as well.



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