Control: tags -1 = confirmed pending

On 10/05/15 18:10, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 09/05/15 21:26, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 11:45:48PM +0200, D. Barbier wrote:
>>> I would like to upload oce 0.16 into unstable, it is currently in
>>> experimental. This source package provides several development
>>> libraries, their soname version have been bumped.
>> Would you be in a position to upload to unstable very soon?
> The package failed to build on arm64 and mips (and ppc64el but it hasn't ever
> been built there). That should probably be fixed in experimental before the
> transition is started.
> Also, have the reverse dependencies been build-tested against the new oce?

Looks like this has been started and is almost done.


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