Hi Bob,

Great comment and recommendation. I was using SB04 and experienced the 90
second boot delay. Workaround was functioning as described before, however
udev rules might easily get overwritten so it's not an ideal solution.

I have a dual boot OS.
What I did:
Booted to windows and downloaded the SB07 firmware (auto-flashed from
Rebooted to linux (I'm running mint):

   - Reinstated the original line from
   - update-initramfs -u
   - Reboot again and check boot time + dmesg.

It seems to have worked for me, I tried some other reboots to see whether I
could get it to break again without 'success'.

So it might be worth the one time effort for people to plug the drive to a
windows box and flash it, or boot to win OS.

Download link I used (official tsstodd):

Note that you should also be able to use MacOS with the separate TSDNMAC
firmware flash program and extracting the .bin from the windows download
above (it's just an archive).

Kind regards,


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