Package: autopkgtest
Version: 3.19.3
Severity: important


my last report was just possible because I did a mount /home/rene/tmp /tmp 


(sid)root@frodo /tmp # df -h 
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sda6        28G     22G  4.4G   84% /
tmpfs           1.6G     18M  1.5G    2% /run
/dev/sda9       326G    262G   48G   85% /home
/dev/sda7       3.7G    8.3M  3.4G    1% /tmp
tmpfs           773M     28K  773M    1% /run/user/1000
rene has logged on pts/19 from :0.                                              

$ TMPDIR=/home/rene/tmp TEMPDIR=/home/rene/tmp adt-run -d -B --unbuilt-tree . 
--timeout-copy=10000 -l adt.log --- null
adt-run: DBG: Parsed options: Namespace(apt_pocket=[], auto_control=True, 
copy=[], env=[], gainroot=None, logfile='adt.log', output_dir=None, 
set_lang=None, setup_commands=[], shell=False, shell_fail=False, summary=None, 
timeout_build=None, timeout_copy=10000, timeout_factor=1.0, 
timeout_install=None, timeout_short=None, timeout_test=None, user=None, 
adt-run: DBG: Remaining arguments: ['-B', '--unbuilt-tree', '.']
adt-run: DBG: Interpreted actions: ['--no-built-binaries', '--unbuilt-tree', 
adt-run: DBG: Virt runner arguments: ['null']
adt-run: DBG: testbed init
adt-run [21:52:07]: version 3.19.3
adt-run [21:52:07]: host frodo; command line: /usr/bin/adt-run -d -B 
--unbuilt-tree . --timeout-copy=10000 -l adt.log --- null
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok
adt-run: DBG: testbed open, scratch=None
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: open
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok /tmp/adt-run.Vecb5V
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: print-execute-command
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok env
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: capabilities
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok isolation-machine 
adt-run: DBG: testbed capabilities: ['isolation-machine', 
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'], kind short, 
sout pipe, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run [21:52:07]: testbed dpkg architecture: amd64
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['which', 'eatmydata'], kind short, sout pipe, 
serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 1
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['which', 'dpkg-query'], kind short, sout pipe, 
serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['sh', '-ec', "dpkg-query --show -f 
'${Package}\\t${Version}\\n' > /tmp/adt-run.Vecb5V/testbed-packages"], kind 
short, sout raw, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: copyup 
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['uname', '-srv'], kind short, sout pipe, serr 
pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run [21:52:07]: testbed running kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 
3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4 (2016-02-29)
adt-run: DBG: Binaries: initialising
adt-run [21:52:07]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ unbuilt-tree .
adt-run: DBG: blame += .
adt-run: DBG: testbed reset: modified=False, deps_installed=[](r: False), 
deps_new=[](r: False)
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['mkdir', '-p', '/tmp/adt-run.Vecb5V'], kind 
short, sout raw, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: copydown ./ 

/tmp? But I set TMPDIR (and to be sure, TEMPDIR)...

1 (sid)rene@frodo ~/LibreOffice/git/master (git)-[master] % export 
TMPDIR=/home/rene/tmp; export TEMPDIR=/home/rene/tmp; adt-run -d -B 
--unbuilt-tree . --timeout-copy=10000 -l adt.log --- null
adt-run: DBG: Parsed options: Namespace(apt_pocket=[], auto_control=True, 
copy=[], env=[], gainroot=None, logfile='adt.log', output_dir=None, 
set_lang=None, setup_commands=[], shell=False, shell_fail=False, summary=None, 
timeout_build=None, timeout_copy=10000, timeout_factor=1.0, 
timeout_install=None, timeout_short=None, timeout_test=None, user=None, 
adt-run: DBG: Remaining arguments: ['-B', '--unbuilt-tree', '.']
adt-run: DBG: Interpreted actions: ['--no-built-binaries', '--unbuilt-tree', 
adt-run: DBG: Virt runner arguments: ['null']
adt-run: DBG: testbed init
adt-run [21:53:12]: version 3.19.3
adt-run [21:53:12]: host frodo; command line: /usr/bin/adt-run -d -B 
--unbuilt-tree . --timeout-copy=10000 -l adt.log --- null
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok
adt-run: DBG: testbed open, scratch=None
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: open
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok /tmp/adt-run.wsrBMY
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: print-execute-command
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok env
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: capabilities
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok isolation-machine 
adt-run: DBG: testbed capabilities: ['isolation-machine', 
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'], kind short, 
sout pipe, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run [21:53:12]: testbed dpkg architecture: amd64
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['which', 'eatmydata'], kind short, sout pipe, 
serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 1
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['which', 'dpkg-query'], kind short, sout pipe, 
serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['sh', '-ec', "dpkg-query --show -f 
'${Package}\\t${Version}\\n' > /tmp/adt-run.wsrBMY/testbed-packages"], kind 
short, sout raw, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: copyup 
adt-run: DBG: got reply from testbed: ok
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['uname', '-srv'], kind short, sout pipe, serr 
pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run [21:53:12]: testbed running kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 
3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4 (2016-02-29)
adt-run: DBG: Binaries: initialising
adt-run [21:53:12]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ unbuilt-tree .
adt-run: DBG: blame += .
adt-run: DBG: testbed reset: modified=False, deps_installed=[](r: False), 
deps_new=[](r: False)
adt-run: DBG: testbed command ['mkdir', '-p', '/tmp/adt-run.wsrBMY'], kind 
short, sout raw, serr pipe, env []
adt-run: DBG: testbed command exited with code 0
adt-run: DBG: sending command to testbed: copydown ./ 

The same.




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