2016-03-31 17:35 GMT+01:00 Nikos Tsipinakis <ni...@tsipinakis.com>:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 04:10:06PM +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
>> Was it left out for some particular reason?
>> I have quite a lot of memory so this is not critical for me in any way
>> (but thanks for taking care of this).  But I imagine that many of the
>> users of newsbeuter can be annoyed by that, so I am curious why this
>> memory problem has been going on for so long.
> As mentioned above, many users are running newsbeuter in hosts with limited
> memory and a 1/2GB memory footprint for a text based RSS reader is simply
> ridiculous and since there are no other important bugs open I am releasing a
> revision with the patch immediately(its also is a nice excuse to migrate the
> package to debhelper :) )
> As for why it has been going on for that long, the leak was first observed 
> right
> after the release of 2.8 for which a patch was released but was not added to
> debian since the previous maintainer was busy, in 2.9 the issue re-appeared 
> for
> some reason(either its a new memory leak or a regression of the old one), a
> patch was released right after that and unfortunately I didn't notice it 
> before
> uploading the new version.

Uhm, sorry for not being clear.  I know that the Debian maintainers
were busy with other stuff.

What it was not clear to me was why this was present in both 2.8 *and*
2.9 upstream, e.g., if the original patch had been reverted because it
caused other problems.

Thanks for the explanation and maintaining this program.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montez...@gmail.com>

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