For those of you who can't be bothered to read the code, here's what the 
comment says.

I stand by my words here: If you are considering removing this warning, then I 
ask that instead, you remove the XScreenSaver software from Debian entirely. I 
believe Gnome-Screensaver will be more to your liking anyway.

  /* If you are in here because you're planning on disabling this warning
     before redistributing my software, please don't.

     I sincerely request that you do one of the following:

         1: leave this code intact and this warning in place, -OR-

         2: Remove xscreensaver from your distribution.

     I would seriously prefer that you not distribute my software at all
     than that you distribute one version and then never update it for

     I am *constantly* getting email from users reporting bugs that have
     been fixed for literally years who have no idea that the software
     they are running is years out of date.  Yes, it would be great if we
     lived in the ideal world where people checked that they were running
     the latest release before they report a bug, but we don't.  To most
     people, "running the latest release" is synonymous with "running the
     latest release that my distro packages for me."

     When they even bother to tell me what version they're running, I
     say, "That version is three years old!", and they say "But this is
     the latest version my distro ships".  Then I say, "your distro
     sucks", and they say "but I don't know how to compile from source,
     herp derp I eat paste", and *everybody* goes away unhappy.

     It wastes an enormous amount of my time, and kind of makes me regret
     ever having released this software in the first place.

     So seriously. I ask that if you're planning on disabling this
     obsolescence warning, that you instead just remove xscreensaver from
     your distro entirely.  Everybody will be happier that way.  Check
     out gnome-screensaver instead, I understand it's really nice.

     Of course, my license allows you to ignore me and do whatever the
     fuck you want, but as the author, I hope you will have the common
     courtesy of complying with my request.

     Thank you!

     jwz, 2014

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