* Paul R. Tagliamonte:

> Sadsies. xscreensaver is my screensaver of choice.
> Sounds fine, let's file a RoM

Wouldn't it be better to first focus on the imminent problem that users
are facing? As of today, xscreensaver as shipped with jessie annoys
users and that needs to stop.

So the upstream author has shown that he enjoys being a dick and that he
can't be bothered to deal with users' bug reports against versions of
his software that he no longer wants to support. Apparently, giving
canned responses to those users takes too much of his time, while
spewing individual insults here does not.

Why should we or our users care about any of this? We should simply
patch out those stupid warnings, maybe even leave a note in
README.Debian for interested users to read, and be done with it.

I don't see a good substitute for xscreensaver in Debian at the moment:
i3lock, slock, etc. are too bare-bones and don't really work for
unexperienced users, not sure about light-locker because of the ligthdm
dependency. Please, let's not remove xscreensaver just yet: The software
itself is stable and looks otherwise perfectly maintainable for people
who can ignore the author's occasional tirade.


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