Hello again.

On Sun, Apr 03, 2016 at 03:04:15PM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> FTR, the new upstream release has a new so version which means
> a transition that needs to be coordinated with the release team.

FYI, I've tested rebuilding the reverse dependencies against updated libgit2:
birdfont cargo geany-plugins golang-git2go kate libgit2-glib python-pygit2

The following failed:
 * geany-plugins - unrelated to libgit2 transition. FTBFS bug should be filed.
                   has no reverse dependencies so from transition POV could
                   probably temporarily be removed from testing.
 * libgit2-glib - I assumed this would simply be fixed by sourceful uploading
                  of matching libgit2-glib v0.24.0, see #819871
 * ruby-rugged - Pirate Praveen indicated he has prepared a new upstream
                 release which I assume fixes this. Pirate, please confirm
                 there's nothing preventing taking care of this once
                 potentially a libgit2 transition starts.

Andreas Henriksson

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