Hello Russell Sim.

Thanks for your quick followup! Your feedback is much appreciated!

On Mon, Apr 04, 2016 at 10:32:13PM +1000, Russell Sim wrote:
> Hey,
> My apologies,  I am still here, but yes I have totally fallen behind.  I'll
> can take a look at updating it tomorrow night.  Or if you like your welcome
> to move this package to collab and take it over.  Either way I don't mind.
> Sorry my situation has changed and I don't have the time to commit like I
> did previously hence the delay.  Anyway let me know what you would like me
> to do.

Your past contributions are very appreciated and you should not see it
as a chain around your ancle for the future. It's totally ok if you
don't have much time to spare at the moment and I think everyone
here would like to see your continued involvement when/if you find
any time to spare. We're just asking if it's ok that we help you
out while you're busy with other things without going through a big
procedure for getting your acknowledgement for every little change.

I'll move the project to collab-maint and handle the immediate outstanding
work as previously mentioned on this bug report w.r.t. new upstream and
transition. All debian-developers and then some more have commit access
to collab-maint. If you don't (yet) have that Russell we'll make sure
the alioth admins give it to you. Just contact the the alioth admins
and give me as a reference (or someone else in this bug report I guess).

I'm only going to help out get over the current hurdle, so I urge anyone
who wants to co-maintain libgit2 with Russel to add themselves to the
Uploaders field in the upcoming collab-maint repo.

Andreas Henriksson

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