Hi Gianfranco,

On 04/21/2016 09:48 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
>> activate update-initramfs
> do you think it is worth adding to the current NMU or it is better to leave 
> it for
> a future upload?

I'm not sure if you meant to ask me, but just in case: I would suggest
you do so, but it's not my decision, as it's not my package. ;-)

> the change looks good, I think it has no side effects,

Well, the initramfs is updated less times when installing multiple
packages at the same time (because the trigger is called only once at
the end of the APT run), so it speeds up APT installation if multiple
packages that require initramfs updates are installed at the same time.
Don't know if you'd classify that as a side effect. ;-)

Plus the initramfs is not updated in postinst anymore, but only when the
trigger is activated, so if there were something that relied on the
update happening in postinst, that would break - but I can't think of
anything you'd need to do in postinst that would require that for any
package, so I think this is mostly an academic difference.


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