On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 08:13:56PM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> First off, with the reproducible and rebootstrap efforst rebuilding
> stuff with latest dpkg, it's really fast to catch regressions, that's
> very helpful, thanks! And second, also thanks for tracking this down. :)

Thanks for the kind words :)

> No, serious is right, this was over eagerness from my part. The
> signature checks are non-fatal, and not being able to verify the sigs
> is way worse security wise than having weak checksums (and that's
> common for revoked/expired/retired keys), so this needs to be a warning
> ineed. I'm fixing this for 1.18.7.

Cool, thanks again.

Do you think a lintian check for weak checksums would be worthwhile?
I can't see an existing one but I suppose that shouldn't be too hard
to implement.

It could also serve as a basis for a mass bug filing if that turns
out to be desirable.

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