retitle 823465 Dropping i586 support unexpectedly breaks i586 systems on upgrade

That's nice. That piece of information didn't get to me. I didn't read
that gcc changelog either because I haven't upgraded it on my system.

This is my production system and I run a lot of services on it. This
isn't a playful, pointless experiment. I'm not too happy to hear that
Debian is dropping support. That's not the idea I'd like to have about
Debian. If I wanted something that wasn't going to work on this system,
I would have installed <other distro> long ago.

So are there release notes somewhere? What's the recommended course of
actions? Am I supposed to go ahead with the upgrade, tail the logs and
eat popcorn while watching them fill with SIGILL?

Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."

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