Yes, I run unstable in production. My stuff isn't business-critical.
But I can say the same thing about this making it impossible to run
unstable. That's not the idea I'd like to have about Debian. If I wanted
a distro where unstable is broken and unusable, I would have installed
<other distro> long ago.

I don't care too much that the change is "silent", since I'm here and
know now. That's nice to document the next release, but I was asking for
an answer to my problem now. What do I do with my i586 system running
unstable of last week? Drop it into a tub of water, just like i586
support is getting dropped? That's going to cause way more downtime than
simply running unstable in production.

My "complaint" against unstable is valid. Typical Debian bugs don't
(or at least shouldn't) wait for the stable release to get fixed. I
don't see why you retitled this copy of the bug, since it described the
situation accurately. i586 users running unstable are getting their
system broken, with no obvious way to handle it. Maybe I'm the only such
user and you don't care, then at least have the decency to wontfix me.

Please tell me, what do I do with it??

Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."

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