Source: python-cobra
Version: 0.4.1-2
Severity: important


python-cobra FTBFS on hurd-i386, but the previous version built there:

test_double_gene_deletion (cobra.test.flux_analysis.TestCobraFluxAnalysis) ... 
Exception AttributeError: "'CobraDeletionPool' object has no attribute 
'processes'" in <bound method CobraDeletionPool.__del__ of 
<cobra.flux_analysis.deletion_worker.CobraDeletionPool object at 0x530628c>> 

ERROR: test_double_gene_deletion 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/cobra/test/", line 170, in 
    solution = double_gene_deletion(cobra_model, gene_list1=genes)
  File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/cobra/flux_analysis/", line 283, in 
    gene_id_to_result, **kwargs)
  File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/cobra/flux_analysis/", line 403, in 
    solver=solver, **kwargs) as pool:
  File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/cobra/flux_analysis/", line 66, in 
    self.job_queue = Queue()  # format is (indexes, job_label)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 217, in Queue
    from multiprocessing.queues import Queue
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 48, in <module>
    from .synchronize import Lock, BoundedSemaphore, Semaphore, Condition
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 59, in <module>
    " function, see issue 3770.")
ImportError: This platform lacks a functioning sem_open implementation, 
therefore, the required synchronization primitives needed will not function, 
see issue 3770.

Ran 129 tests in 6.040s

FAILED (errors=1, skipped=11)

If this is not trivially fixable, please request decrufting of the
outdated binary packages:

Control: reassign -1
Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 RM: python-cobra [hurd-i386] -- RoM; FTBFS; platform lacks 
a functioning sem_open implementation


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