Control: tag -1 +wontfix

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 07:12:17AM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
>control: reopen -1
>control: tag -1 -moreinfo
>On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 17:17:49 +0100
>Steve McIntyre <> wrote:
>> > Probably VirtualBox UEFI seeks /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT, not 
>> > /boot/efi/EFI/${distro}. 
>> > I don't know this behavior is okay or not, but it's better to add 
>> > workaround
>> > to d-i, IMHO (for users' convenient).
>> There's already support for doing this in d-i for the sake of
>> supporting broken firmware implementations. See
>> for more information. It's even preseedable. So I'm closing this bug.
> Thanks, it is very helpful to understand this issue.
> And I want to propose you to add workaround for VirtualBox via exec 
> force_efi_extra_removable _automatically_. If d-i detects it runs on VBox,
> then install /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/*.efi is better for users. Probably VBox users
> who want to install Debian can ignore co-exist other OSes since they don't
> do such installation (that is VM!), so no any harm. You can know if it is
> installed on VBox by running dmidecode.
>>$ sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name
> And also, maybe collecting information for broken UEFI hardware and
> add such workaround is better feature for users.
> (Yes, I know it's dirty workaround but it's really handy).

I *really* don't want to go down that route. It's bad enough that
there are broken *real* systems out there which don't work properly
with UEFI, and it's very difficult to tell from userland which systems
are likely to work and which won't as firmware fixes may happen any

Adding a hacky workaround for broken initial UEFI support in a
virtualistion platform is ludicrous here - if you're using VirtualBox
then install without UEFI, or if you must use the *experimental
support* for EFI in VirtualBox [1] use the documented option which is
available already via the d-i expert menu or through preseeding.


Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"When C++ is your hammer, everything looks like a thumb." -- Steven M. Haflich

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