control: tag -1 +moreinfo


Apologies for the extreme delay in response time for this submission

Are you still interested in being listed as on the official Debian
mirrors listing?

If so there are a few things that will need to be addressed in your

The mirror does list a tracefile in the /debian/project/trace directory.
It is highly suggested to use the ftpsync script[1] we have developed
for mirrors to use to stay in sync with the archive as well as generate
reporting files that we can use to ensure the mirror is correct.

Backports have been rolled into the archive and are no more, so there is
no need to mirror that part of the archive.
Security mirrors are generally Debian controlled mirrors, secondary
mirrors are not listed and users are advised to only use official Debian
Security mirrors.
Should you carry /debian/ and /debian-cd/ it is advisable to have
separate upstreams so that you can avoid a single point of failure, this
is just general best practice.

Please let us know if you would like to continue with your submission.


Best regards,

Donald Norwood
-Debian Mirrors Team

On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:22:38 +0000 "Niclas Zeising"
<> wrote:
> Package: mirrors
> Severity: wishlist
> Submission-Type: new
> Site:
> Type: leaf
> Archive-architecture: ALL amd64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 ia64
kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390x sparc
> Archive-ftp: /debian/
> Archive-http: /debian/
> Archive-rsync: debian/
> Backports-ftp: /debian-backports/
> Backports-http: /debian-backports/
> Backports-rsync: debian-backports/
> CDImage-ftp: /debian-cd/
> CDImage-http: /debian-cd/
> CDImage-rsync: debian-cd/
> IPv6: yes
> Archive-upstream:
> Backports-upstream:
> CDImage-upstream:
> Updates: four
> Maintainer: Niclas Zeising <>
> Country: SE Sweden
> Location: Linkoping
> Sponsor: Lysator ACS
> Comment: I also have mirrored debian-security from
> 1Gbps connection, IPv4 AS2843 (LIUNET), IPv6 AS1653 (SUNET)

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